Why Every Company Needs to Know Its Core Competencies

To make customer support part of your core competency set, learn to provide customer service like a luxury brand by monitoring customer feedback, tracking customer service metrics and researching your target audience. Knowing your core competencies may also lead you to outsource or divest non-core capabilities. We had a client with us recently who told us that their people strategy was one of their core competencies.

Nowadays, of course, it’s a streaming video giant that produces top-shelf original content. It’s still delivering visual content right to its customers’s homes in the most convenient way available. Always look through a customer lens when you identify core competencies. Whatever you decide is your core competency should improve your willingness to pay drivers or reduce your cost drivers. If it doesn’t do this, then it’s not making any contribution to net profit or your differentiation in the market.

  1. By understanding the core competencies required for each role, you can design effective recruitment processes, develop competency-based job descriptions, and select candidates who have the right skills and capabilities.
  2. For instance, if you work in information technology (IT), you may have IT management skills or excel at certain computer languages.
  3. However, some core competencies may be more difficult for other companies to overcome.
  4. Every McDonald’s offering tastes and looks exactly the same, regardless of its geographical location or outlet — after accounting for local tastes and exceptions.
  5. You also need to devote resources to further developing and maintaining your company’s expertise in this area.

In a world where most ads take a product-focused approach, companies like Oatly stand out. The sooner you discover what they are, the quicker you can implement them in your marketing and sales strategies. To explain further, let’s look at an example of a leader in each of these core competencies.

For example, with a platform of being an incredibly innovative company, Apple has expanded into new product lines, different sectors, and varying geographical regions. If, let’s say, they were measuring the length of service; perhaps this might have driven higher customer satisfaction and higher revenue. The first place to look when establishing your core competencies is your value proposition. As we mentioned before, that’s the overarching idea from which your competencies will emerge. For many years, those of us who wanted to build brand assets had to rely on products like Adobe InDesign and Sketch.

Why Core Competencies Matter for Your Business

Core competencies are the qualities that individuals bring to the workplace. They are the secret sauce that makes an organization stand out from the rest of the crowd.

According to Prahalad and Hamel, successful enterprises viewed themselves as “a portfolio of competencies versus a portfolio of businesses.” A company should internally assess what it does best, and it should also assess how its competition approaches the market. Then, a company should evaluate where it feels it has the best chance to be what is core competency in business industry leader. Though these areas may not currently be a company’s strength, it can make capital investments and process changes to develop core competencies over time. Core competencies often relate back to the product or service the company provides. For example, is the product the lowest cost, most user-friendly, or highest quality?

When a company is able to doing part of the sale process exceptionally well, it gains a positive reputation for its core competence. This reputation may lead to stronger sales, happier employees, and better business operations. However, some core competencies may be more difficult for other companies to overcome.

In addition, it must develop more than one competency to maintain and improve its competitiveness and unique market position. Core competencies are the advantages that one company has over its competitors. It’s the areas of business that the company excels at, and it’s often what the company is known for. Ranging from yielding the highest quality products to having the best customer service to being the low-cost provider, core competencies define a company’s identity and guide its operational strategy. A successful business has identified what it can do better than anyone else, and why.

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On the other hand, non-core activities of the organization should be outsourced. Core competency attracts strategic competitiveness and also help the organization in earning returns which are above average. If you’re a trailblazing company with a fresh product in an underserved market, then finding your core competency will be easy to spell out. Embracing core competencies in recruitment is a powerful strategy for building exceptional teams. This approach leads to better hiring decisions, increased employee satisfaction, and improved business performance.

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Next, try to identify the competency that delivers customer benefits most directly while simultaneously setting you apart from the competition. Core competencies will help you decide which direction to go in as a business. They will also unify the company across business and functional units. These are the things that are consistently true about your business, differentiating you from your competition. They’ll also help employees understand the priorities of business managers.

What are examples of core competencies in business?

Job analysis techniques such as task analysis and competency modeling will help you discover the critical competencies required. By considering both technical and soft skills, as well as your organization’s culture and values, you can decide the most relevant core competencies. A company’s ability to stand out in those competencies, and ideally uniquely combine them with other competencies, can give it competitive advantage over its industry peers.

We work with ambitious leaders who want to define the future, not hide from it. Scenario Analysis and Contingency Planning is a process that allows executives to explore and prepare for several alternative futures. Core Competencies are areas of deep proficiency that can help distinguish a company from its competitors because they are hard for competitors to copy or procure.

In recent years, a variation on core competence has emerged, with the focus on individuals. This idea suggests that job seekers should develop their personal core competencies or specific abilities to stand out in the job market. Knowing your business core competencies gives you a robust base from which to shape your operations, marketing, outsourcing and other critical company needs. Or, https://1investing.in/ if you’re currently seeking work, your personal core competencies can help you narrow down potential opportunities and stand out among potential employers. Just as in the fitness world, when your core is strong, the rest of you (or your business) gains strength too. Core competencies in business often relate to the type of product delivered to a customer or how that product is delivered.

Some personal core competencies include analytical abilities, creative thinking, and problem resolution skills. A competence which is central to the business’s operations but which is not exceptional in some way should not be considered as a core competence, as it will not differentiate the business from any other similar businesses. For example, a process which uses common computer components and is staffed by people with only basic training cannot be regarded as a core competence. Such a process is highly unlikely to generate a differentiated advantage over rival businesses. However it is possible to develop such a process into a core competence with suitable investment in equipment and training.

In essence, to truly grasp your core competencies, you must immerse yourself in the customer experience, listening intently and aligning your business strategies with the unique value they perceive you deliver. Core competencies refers to the resources, products, skills, and capabilities that give a business an advantage over its competitors. A core competency is typically something that’s hard to replicate like a unique product or a standout brand voice. To identify the most relevant core competencies for employee development, start with a comprehensive assessment of job roles, organizational objectives, and individual aspirations.

It enables you to clearly define the skills and attributes needed for success in a specific job role so that you can attract the right candidates. For long-term growth and success, it’s important for an organization to develop and nurture all these elements. It should consistently invest its resources on building and maintaining the skills that contribute to its core competencies.

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