How to Choose a Sober Living Home

A traditional sober living house is how you might imagine it to be. In this kind of sober living house, you pay your rent and participate in household duties. Essentially, you are one of the roommates living in the home, and it’s your job to help maintain and run it properly. Leading a sober lifestyle after rehab is an integral part of the recovery process from alcohol and drugs…. In order to choose the right sober house a person needs to conduct research and consider several different factors.

How to Choose a Sober House

Residents typically have completed a residential treatment program or detoxification process and are committed to staying sober. Sober living homes provide structure and support to help residents transition back into everyday life without using drugs or alcohol. Sober living houses and halfway houses are often used interchangeably as they both provide a substance-free living environment for those suffering from addiction. Differences between the two can stem from funding, length of stay, and requirements to apply to live there. Sober living homes typically do not limit the length of stay and may not require previous attendance in a formal addiction treatment program.

What Is The Purpose Of A Sober Living Home

The more structured the sober living home is, the better able you’ll be to put your life back together. But with some careful consideration, you can find the perfect place for you or your loved one to start the journey to recovery. Remember, every sober living home is different, so check with your specific home for any other packing requirements. If you plan to enroll in an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or attend regular clinical counseling sessions, you may be able to use your health insurance benefits to cover some of the costs. It is wise to consult with admissions representatives at the sober living home and confirm that they accept your insurance before you enroll.

How to Choose a Sober House

Where the home is located is also important, particularly if you are looking for a place to live that’s near your job. When you’re looking for sober living homes in NJ, consider the homes’ proximity to public transit, if you need to take the bus or train to get to work. If you’re looking for work, it helps to find a home that is in an area with a lot of opportunities, so you don’t end up with a long commute or end up looking for a job for a long time. Sober living homes increased the likelihood a recovering addict could maintain long-term sobriety.

Tips for Choosing the Right Sober House

You need a sober house that suits your specific needs and serves as a functional tool during aftercare. Some houses may provide additional services, such as transportation, recreational activities, or educational programs. Some individuals may be eligible for financial assistance or have insurance coverage that partially covers the costs of sober living. It’s essential to check with the sober house management and insurance providers to understand the extent of coverage. Sober houses offer a community of individuals facing similar challenges. This sense of camaraderie and understanding can provide essential emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation during the recovery process.

Additionally, we staff our sober living homes with round-the-clock house managers who keep the facilities clean and functioning smoothly. Occasionally, a sober living home will offer a work therapy program for its residents. Mountainside’s Extended Care requires its clients to participate in a work program a few days a week at the Mountainside Cafe. Other facilities may ask that you look for a job during your stay and will support you along the job-searching process. Work therapy can help you slowly transition back to a real-world setting with the support of your peers and mental health professionals.

Consider Rules

These rules are similar to what parents might expect of their children or that roommates might agree upon to help maintain a pleasant living environment. Sober living homes may or may not be accredited or licensed through a state, local, or national agency. Substance use treatment providers may offer oversight in some instances, although this is not always the case.

Studies prove that people who spend at least 18 months in a sober environment have a much higher chance at maintaining recovery. How often do you ask yourself, “What’s the purpose of a halfway house? ” A sober living home is where people in recovery from addiction can live together in a structured and supportive environment. Sober living homes are often used as a step 6 Unbelievably British Easter Traditions down from inpatient treatment, or some require extended care programs to help them to transition back into society. It’s irresponsible for a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center to force clients back into the community without continued support. An aftercare program that provides access to transitional living resources such as sober living homes is vital.

Why Choose Sober Living

At a sober house, a person will begin to develop their social skills again by living with other people in the house, and sharing responsibilities. It is basically like living with a family again under one roof, except there is supervision to help assist when needed. Some sober houses may include meals, transportation, and additional support services, while others may have a more basic fee structure. Accredited and well-established sober houses that maintain higher standards may have slightly higher costs.

According to the National Library of Medicine, a sober house can provide long term support for those who want to remain in a sober environment while learning to re-enter society. There are a number of things that you should look for to ensure that a specific sober house is the right one for you. You should choose which sober living house to reside in based on your specific needs and their focus. You could stay at a few different types of sober living houses and may change your living arrangements before finding the right fit.

Visit the sober living home.

Sober homes are available at different levels of care and intensiveness. You can choose a sober living facility based on the level of care you need. If you’re interested in active recovery and sober support, it’s important to find the right sober homes based on your needs. While you’ll have more independence staying in sober homes, you will need to follow rules.

  • They also tend to be affiliated with addiction treatment centers that provide outpatient programs.
  • To find the best fit for you, keep the following eight steps in mind.
  • Finally, the right sober living home will provide you with quality services and deliver you a wealth of experiences that will last you forever.
  • Community is key in recovery, and sober living houses offer a place that can be assured to be alcohol and drug-free.
  • Ask about the home’s policies on curfews, chores, visitors, drug testing, and other matters.

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